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Educational Workshops
Open House (London Escape Room)
N.B. We do not list ‘sold out’ shows on our site, as it clutters up the page. When a timeslot becomes sold out it is removed. Therefore, if you cannot see any shows for a particular day this means that they are sold out. We do not accept walk-ups.
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ScreamWorks is the trading name of 52 Events Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (Reg. No. 12245899) whose Registered Office is at 1 Penhurst Place, Carlisle Lane, London, SE1 7LF. 52 Events Limited is registered for VAT (VAT No. 447559552). PLEASE ADDRESS ALL WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS TO 261 PARADISE ROW, LONDON, E2 9LE, AS OUR REGISTERED OFFICE IS NOT PRESENTLY ABLE TO RECEIVE POSTAL MAIL DUE TO RENOVATIONS FOLLOWING A FLOOD.